Should You Put Weights In Your Backpack?

When considering adding weights to a backpack, it is important to ensure the weight is appropriate for the student’s age and strength, is distributed evenly throughout the bag, and is comfortable for the student to carry. Weights can help strengthen the muscles in the back and shoulders, but can cause strain and discomfort if they are too heavy.

We all know that exercise is essential for staying healthy and fit, but have you ever considered putting weights in your backpack to help you reach your fitness goals? In this article, we will discuss the potential benefits and risks of adding weights to your backpack, as well as how to properly put weights in your backpack and the different types of weights you can use. We will also cover alternatives to weights in your backpack and provide safety measures to consider when using weights. Ultimately, after reading this article, you will have a better understanding of whether putting weights in your backpack is right for you.

Benefits of Putting Weights in a Backpack

Weighing the pros and cons of adding weights to your backpack can help you decide if this is a practical strategy to improve your fitness. Below, we’ll explore the benefits of putting weights in a backpack.

Improved Strength and Endurance

Adding weights to a backpack can provide numerous physical benefits, most notably improved strength and endurance. Weights placed in a backpack provide increased resistance during walking, running, and other activities, which can help strengthen muscles and improve endurance. This resistance encourages greater muscle recruitment, meaning that more muscles are used during exercise, leading to greater strength and improved endurance. This increased resistance also causes the body to burn more calories than it would without the additional weight, allowing for greater weight loss or maintenance. In addition, adding weights to a backpack can make daily activities, such as going up and down stairs, more challenging and therefore more beneficial for physical fitness.

Better Balance and Posture

Adding weights to your backpack can be beneficial to your balance and posture in several ways. First, it can help you to maintain better posture, as the added weight helps to distribute the weight of the backpack evenly across your back and shoulders. This reduces the strain on your back and shoulders, which can help to reduce fatigue and discomfort during the day. Additionally, the extra weight can help to strengthen the muscles in your back and shoulders, which can improve your balance and stability when carrying the backpack. Furthermore, the added weight can help you to maintain your balance more easily when moving around, allowing for greater mobility. Finally, the added weight can also act as ballast, helping to prevent you from tipping over when carrying a heavy load in your backpack.

Increased Calorie Burning

Adding weights to your backpack can be a great way to increase your calorie burning potential during a workout. By increasing the weight of your backpack, your body must work harder to propel it forward. This in turn leads to a higher calorie burn as your body expends more energy to move the extra weight. Additionally, by wearing a weighted backpack, you are exercising multiple muscle groups at the same time, leading to even more calorie burning. So, if you are looking to burn more calories during your workouts, adding weights to your backpack may be a great way to get the job done.

How to Properly Put Weights in a Backpack

As the debate continues, let’s take a closer look at the best practices for properly putting weights in a backpack.

Choose the Appropriate Weight

Choosing the appropriate weight for your backpack is an important part of ensuring you have a safe and comfortable carrying experience. It is important to note that weight affects the balance and stability of your entire carry system. It is critical to choose a weight that works best for you and your individual needs.

When deciding on the appropriate weight for your backpack, the most important factor to consider is the weight of the items you plan to put in it. Generally speaking, the heavier the items, the heavier the backpack should be. Keep in mind that the more weight you add, the more strain it will put on your body. It is important to find a balance between weight and comfort.

It is also important to consider the type of terrain you plan to be traversing. If you are going to be carrying your backpack over rough terrain, you will likely want a heavier backpack to provide more stability. On the other hand, if you plan to be carrying your backpack on mostly flat surfaces, a lighter backpack might be more suitable.

Finally, it is important to consider the type of straps your backpack has. Some straps are designed to provide extra support, while others are more lightweight and flexible. Take the time to understand the different types of straps and choose the one that best suits your needs.

When it comes to properly putting weights in your backpack, it is important to choose the appropriate weight for your individual needs. Consider the weight of the items you plan to put in it, the type of terrain you will be traversing, and the type of straps your backpack has. With this information, you can make an informed decision and choose the right weight for your next adventure.

Position the Weight Properly in the Backpack

When it comes to including weights in your backpack, proper positioning of the weight is key. If done correctly, this can help you to evenly distribute the weight across your back and shoulders, reducing strain on your body. To position the weight properly in your backpack, follow these steps:

1. Start by loading the heaviest items at the bottom of the pack and closest to your back. This will help to keep the weight close to your center of gravity, reducing strain on your body.

2. Next, pack the lighter items, such as clothing and sleeping gear, towards the top of the pack. This will help to create a more balanced load.

3. Finally, use compression straps to secure the load and reduce movement of the weight within the pack. This will also help to ensure proper weight distribution.

By following these steps, you will be able to properly position the weight in your backpack, allowing you to carry it more comfortably and safely. So, if you’re thinking of adding weights to your pack, be sure to take the time to position the weight properly. Your body will thank you!

Ensure Proper Fit and Comfort

When it comes to adding weights to your backpack, proper fit and comfort are essential. To ensure your backpack fits properly and remains comfortable, there are a few key points to keep in mind. First, make sure your backpack is the right size for your body type. A pack that is too large or too small can cause strain on your back and shoulders. Second, adjust the straps and hip belt on your backpack to make sure it fits securely and comfortably. Third, consider the weight and size of the weights you are adding to your backpack. Make sure the weights don’t exceed the capacity of your backpack, as this can cause back strain. Finally, adjust the weight of your backpack evenly on both sides to avoid slouching or lopsidedness. By following these points, you can ensure your backpack is properly fitted and comfortable while carrying weights.

Different Types of Weights to Use

Weighing the pros and cons of adding additional weight to your backpack, it’s important to consider the various types of weights available. Below, we review some of the most common types of weights to use for this purpose.


When it comes to adding weight to your backpack, sandbags can be an effective way to do so. Sandbags are ideal for backpacks because they are lightweight and easy to fill with sand or another material such as gravel or dirt. Sandbags also provide a great level of versatility since they can be filled to different levels depending on the amount of weight you need. Additionally, sandbags are relatively inexpensive and easy to find.

When using sandbags as weights in your backpack, it is important to make sure the sandbags are securely closed to prevent the sand from spilling out. It is also important to note that sandbags may not be suitable for certain types of backpacks, so it is important to check with the manufacturer before adding any weight.

Overall, sandbags can be a great option for those looking to add weight to their backpack. They are lightweight, inexpensive, and easy to fill with a variety of materials. When done properly, sandbags can provide a great way to increase the weight of your backpack for a variety of exercises.


Dumbbells are a great way to add weight to your backpack and give you an effective workout. They come in a variety of sizes and weights, making them ideal for a range of fitness levels. They are also relatively inexpensive compared to other types of weights. If you are looking for a way to increase the intensity of your workout, dumbbells are a great choice. They can be used for exercises such as squats, lunges, bicep curls, triceps extensions, and shoulder presses. When using dumbbells, it is important to make sure you are using the proper form to avoid injury. Additionally, you should always use a spotter when lifting weights for added safety.


Kettlebells are a great option for those looking to add weight to their backpack. Kettlebells provide a great way to do full body workouts without the need of a gym. They are compact, durable, and come in a variety of weights, making them perfect for backpackers who need to stay mobile and get a good workout in. Kettlebells also require more skill and coordination than other weights, making them a great choice for those looking for an added challenge. When packing a backpack with kettlebells, it is important to choose the right size and weight for the activity and to be sure that the weight is evenly distributed around the bag. Kettlebells may be the perfect way to add some extra weight to your backpack and get a great workout in while on the go.

Weight Plates

Weight plates are a great option when it comes to adding weight to your backpack. Weight plates are weights that are made out of solid metal and usually come in various sizes and weights. They are a great option for adding weight to your backpack because they are easy to attach and can be added or removed quickly. The main benefit of using weight plates is that they do not shift around like sand bags or other types of weight, so you can easily adjust the weight of your backpack to your needs. When it comes to adding weight to your backpack, weight plates are a great choice!

Medicine Balls

One of the most effective types of weights to use for adding weight to your backpack is medicine balls. Medicine balls are weighted, round balls that come in a range of sizes and weights, from around 2 pounds to 20 pounds or more. They are easy to grip and relatively inexpensive, making them an ideal choice for adding weight to your backpack.

Medicine balls are also great for strength training and core exercises. You can use them for a variety of exercises, like squats, lunges, presses, and core rotations, to help build muscle and strength. Additionally, since medicine balls come in a range of weights, you can choose the right weight for your strength level and gradually increase the weight as you get stronger.

Overall, medicine balls are an excellent addition to your backpack if you want to add weight to it. They are relatively inexpensive, easy to grip, and can double as a strength-training tool. With medicine balls, you can gradually increase the weight as you gain more strength and make your workouts more challenging.

Adapting Weights for Different Activities

Depending on the activity, you may need to adapt the weight of your backpack to provide optimal comfort. Let’s take a look at how to adapt the weight for walking, running, hiking, and climbing.


Adding weights to your backpack while walking can be a great way to increase the intensity of your exercise and take your workout to the next level. However, it’s important to note that the type of weight you use for walking should be different than what you would use for, say, running or weightlifting.

When it comes to walking, a light, adjustable weight is ideal. This will allow you to control the intensity of your workout and add more weight as you become stronger. For example, you can start with a few free weights or a single weight vest and add extra weights as you become more comfortable.

It’s also important to pay attention to the positioning of the weights in your backpack. The weights should be evenly distributed throughout the pack, so that they don’t shift or cause an imbalance. Additionally, it’s best to avoid adding too much weight, as this can become cumbersome and can put too much strain on your body.

Overall, adding weights to your backpack while walking can be a great way to challenge yourself and increase the intensity of your workout. However, it’s important to select the right type and amount of weight, and to ensure that it’s positioned correctly in your bag.


When it comes to running with weights, the key is to make sure that you are using the right amount of weight for the activity. If you are running for long distances, it is important to consider the impact that the extra weight may have on your back, neck, and shoulders. It is best to start with a lighter load and gradually increase the weight as your fitness level improves. Additionally, you should make sure that the weight is evenly distributed in your backpack, as this will help to prevent any potential injuries.

When running with weights, it is important to focus on form and technique. Using proper technique can help to ensure that you are using your muscles correctly and efficiently. It is important to remember that the extra weight can make the activity more challenging, so it is important to be mindful of your breathing and to avoid overstraining. Additionally, you should focus on taking regular breaks to ensure that your body is able to rest and recover.

Overall, running with weights can be a great way to improve your fitness and strength, however, it is important to make sure that you are using the right weight for the activity. With the right amount of weight, you can maximize your workout and reduce the chances of potential injuries.


When it comes to hiking, there is a lot of debate about the need to add weights to your backpack. While some people believe that adding weights can increase your strength and endurance, others think that it could be too strenuous, uncomfortable, and even dangerous.

Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide what’s best for your body and hiking goals. If you’re looking to add weights for your hikes, here are some things to consider:

• Your fitness level: If you’re not already in good physical condition, adding weights to your backpack may be too much for your body to handle. Start with a lighter load and work your way up, if necessary.

• The terrain: If you’re hiking on flat terrain, the extra weight won’t be as noticeable. But if you’re tackling steep hills or mountains, you’ll need to adjust your weight accordingly.

• The weight of the backpack: If your backpack is already heavy, adding weights may be overkill. Consider switching to a lightweight backpack or reducing the weight of your gear.

• Your goals: Adding weights to your backpack will help you build strength and endurance. However, if your goal is to just enjoy the scenery and relax, adding weights may not be necessary.

At the end of the day, it’s important to listen to your body and find the balance between challenging yourself and taking it easy. With the right approach and a little bit of patience, adding weights to your backpack can be a great way to get the most out of your hiking adventures.


When it comes to climbing, adding weights to your backpack is a great way to increase the difficulty of the activity. This can be beneficial for those looking to build strength, endurance and agility as they climb. But, it is important to remember that adding extra weight to your backpack needs to be done carefully and safely.

First, you should always make sure that the weight is evenly distributed. This will help you maintain good balance and control. Also, it’s important to make sure the weight is not too heavy. Adding too much weight can put strain on your muscles and joints, which can lead to injury.

When it comes to choosing the type of weight to add, you should consider the type of climb you are doing. For example, weighted vests, ankle weights and wrist weights are generally best for bouldering and short climbs. For longer climbs, a backpack filled with sandbags or weighted plates is a better option.

When adding weights to your backpack, it’s important to remember that safety should always be your top priority. Start with a lighter weight and increase the load gradually. This will help you build the strength and stamina you need to safely increase the difficulty of your climbs.

Potential Risks of Putting Weights in a Backpack

While there are many potential benefits of putting weights in a backpack, it is important to consider the potential risks as well.

Potential for Injury

When considering adding weights to your backpack, there is an inherent potential for injury that must be taken into account. The extra weight can strain the muscles of your back, neck, and shoulders, which can lead to muscle fatigue and pain. Additionally, the extra weight can cause you to become unbalanced and lead to falls or sprains. It is also possible that the straps of the backpack can dig into your skin and cause discomfort or even abrasions.

Therefore, if you decide to put weights in your backpack, it is important to ensure that the weight is evenly distributed and the straps are adjusted properly to prevent any potential for injury. Additionally, it is important to avoid overloading your backpack and to avoid sudden, jerky movements while carrying the backpack with weights. Lastly, it is important to take frequent breaks to reduce the strain on your body.

Reduced Mobility

When considering the potential risks of putting weights in a backpack, one of the most significant dangers is reduced mobility. While backpacks are designed to be comfortable and supportive, the addition of weights can cause the straps to pull tighter, making them uncomfortable and reducing the range of motion of the wearer. This can lead to a decrease in physical performance and an increased risk of injury. Additionally, the extra weight can cause the backpack to pull down on the wearer, throwing off their balance and potentially leading to falls or other accidents.

To avoid these risks, it is important to ensure that the weight of the backpack is evenly distributed and that the straps are adjusted properly. If the backpack is too heavy for the wearer’s body, it is best to look for a different option that can better accommodate the extra weight. Additionally, it is important to take frequent breaks to allow the body to rest and adjust to the increased weight. Taking these precautions can help ensure that the potential risks of putting weights in a backpack are minimized.

Imbalance of Muscles and Joints

When considering the potential risks of putting weights in a backpack, an important factor to consider is the potential for an imbalance of muscles and joints. Adding weights to a backpack can result in an uneven distribution of weight, which can lead to an increase in pressure on certain parts of the body such as the shoulders, neck, and back, resulting in strain and discomfort. This can also cause an imbalance in the muscles and joints, which can lead to increased risk of injury. To prevent this, it is important to evenly distribute the weight within the backpack and use a backpack with adequate padding to reduce the strain on the body. Additionally, regularly changing the position of the backpack can help to reduce the risk of an imbalance of muscles and joints.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Weighing the pros and cons of adding weights to your backpack is necessary before making a decision. Below, we will explore the advantages and disadvantages of this type of exercise.


Adding weights to your backpack has a number of advantages, such as increased strength, improved endurance, and increased calorie burning.

i. Increased Strength

Adding weights to your backpack can offer multiple benefits, one of them being increased strength. The added weight can help build muscle and increase endurance when carrying heavy items. This can be especially helpful when carrying a heavy load of books or other items.

Brainstorming: Are you looking to increase your strength? Have you ever considered adding weights to your backpack? This can be a great way to build muscle and endurance when carrying heavy items. From heavier books to groceries, adding weights to your backpack can provide you with the extra strength and stability needed to make the task easier. Read on to find out more about the advantages of adding weights to your backpack!

ii. Improved Endurance

Adding weights to your backpack can help you improve your endurance and strength. The extra weight forces your body to work harder while walking or running, which makes your muscles work harder. This increased activity helps to build your endurance and strength over time. In addition, this type of exercise can help you to improve your cardiovascular health and burn more calories.

If you’re looking to increase your endurance, adding weights to your backpack is a great way to do it. You can control the amount of weight you add, allowing you to gradually increase the difficulty of your workouts. Start with a small weight, such as a one- or two-pound weight, and slowly increase the amount of weight over time. This will help you to build your endurance and strength slowly and safely. Additionally, using a weighted backpack can be a great way to break up the monotony of your usual workout routine.

iii. Increased Calorie Burning

Adding weights to your backpack can help you burn more calories while you’re out and about! When you use your muscles to carry a weighted backpack, you’re engaging in a form of resistance training. This type of exercise increases your metabolism, which means you’ll be burning more calories, even when you’re not actively working out. You’ll also be strengthening your core and back muscles with this type of exercise.

So, should you put weights in your backpack? Absolutely! Adding weights to your backpack can be a great way to increase your calorie burn and make the most of your everyday tasks. Plus, you’ll be strengthening your muscles as you go about your day.


Despite the potential benefits of wearing a weighted backpack, there are some potential drawbacks to consider.

i. Potential for Injury

Adding extra weight to a backpack can create an uneven weight distribution and cause strain on your back and shoulders. This could lead to injury including muscle strain, stress fractures and other orthopedic issues.

When it comes to putting weights in a backpack, the potential for injury is real. Even with a well-designed backpack, the added weight can cause an uneven weight distribution and put strain on your back and shoulders. This can lead to a range of issues, from muscle strain and stress fractures to other orthopedic issues.

Adding weight to a backpack can also cause you to lean forward, compromising your posture and creating an additional strain on your body. To avoid this, it’s important to make sure your backpack is properly fitted and that the weight is evenly distributed.

When weighing up the pros and cons of adding weights to your backpack, it’s important to consider the potential for injury. If you feel like the benefits outweigh the risks, it’s best to start slowly and gradually increase the weight, ensuring that you’re using correct posture and technique to minimize the risk of injury.

ii. Reduced Mobility

When you carry a heavy backpack, it can limit your mobility. A backpack that is too heavy can cause neck, shoulder, and back pain. It can also affect your posture and make you move slower.

When you put weight in your backpack, it can be difficult to get around. You may find it difficult to climb stairs, walk up hills, turn around quickly, or even stand for a long period of time. This can be frustrating and can even lead to injuries.

When deciding whether or not to put weights in your backpack, consider the potential effect on your mobility. If you plan to be carrying the backpack for a long period of time, or if it will be particularly heavy, it may be wise to leave the weights behind. This will help you stay mobile, comfortable, and safe.

iii. Imbalance of Muscles and Joints

When carrying a backpack with weights in it, there is the potential to cause an imbalance of the muscles and joints of the body. This is especially true if the weight is unevenly distributed or if the person carrying the backpack is not used to such a weight load. This can lead to muscle fatigue, as well as joint stress and injury, especially when carrying the backpack for a long period of time.

When it comes to putting weights in a backpack, it is important to remember the potential risks. Adding weight to a backpack can cause an imbalance of the muscles and joints, leading to fatigue, joint stress and even injury. To mitigate this, it is important to ensure the weight is evenly distributed, and to take regular breaks when carrying the backpack for an extended period of time. Further, if you are not used to such a weight load, it is important to gradually increase the weight load over time to help your body adjust and avoid injury.

Proper Care and Maintenance

To ensure that your weights stay in good condition for years to come, it is important to properly care for them. Here are some tips for cleaning and storing weights, as well as regularly checking them for damage.

Cleaning and Storing Weights

Whether you’re lifting weights in a gym or even on a hike, proper care and maintenance of your weights is essential to ensure they remain in top condition. Cleaning and storing your weights properly is the key to keeping them looking and performing their best.

When it comes to cleaning, it’s important to make sure you use the right cleaning products and techniques. Use a mild soap and warm water for a basic cleaning, and for tougher spots, you may want to use a specialized cleaner. Make sure to dry your weights thoroughly after cleaning as moisture can corrode the metal.

When it comes to storing your weights, the best place is a dry, cool space such as a closet or a storage rack. If you’re taking weights with you on a hike, the best way to transport them is in a backpack. Make sure to use a backpack with a sturdy frame and plenty of storage space for the weights, and don’t forget to secure them with a bungee cord to keep them in place.

By taking the time to clean and store your weights properly, you can ensure they’ll stay in top condition and be ready for your next workout session.

Regularly Check Weights for Damage

When it comes to maintaining a backpack with weights, it’s important to regularly check the weights for damage. Weights can become damaged over time due to wear and tear, and can become a hazard if not maintained properly. Inspecting the weights regularly can help ensure that they are in good condition and safe to use. Additionally, checking the weights for damage can help to identify any areas of weakness that could potentially lead to their failure.

If any damage is found, the weights should be replaced or repaired as soon as possible. This will help to ensure that the weights remain in good condition and safe to use. Additionally, it’s also important to store the weights in a safe place, away from any moisture or extreme temperatures. This will help to extend the life of the weights and ensure that they remain in good condition for years to come.

All in all, regularly checking weights for damage is an important part of proper care and maintenance when it comes to putting weights in your backpack. It can help to identify potential issues and ensure that the weights remain in good condition. Taking the time to do this will help to keep your weights in good condition and make sure that they are safe to use.

Alternatives to Weights in a Backpack

If you’re looking for alternatives to weights in a backpack, there are a few different options available that may be more suitable for your needs.

Resistance Bands

Resistance bands are an excellent alternative to weights in a backpack, as they provide the same strength-training benefits with less strain on your body. Resistance bands are lightweight, compact, and portable, making them an easy and convenient way to get a full-body workout anytime, anywhere. They also come in a variety of sizes and resistance levels, so you can find the perfect band for your needs. Resistance bands are great for building muscle, improving balance, and increasing flexibility, and you can use them to target specific muscle groups or perform whole body exercises. So, if you’re looking to get stronger and reap the benefits of strength training without the bulk and weight of traditional weights in your backpack, consider resistance bands!

Ankle Weights

Ankle weights can be a great alternative to putting weights in your backpack. These weights, which are secured around the ankle with a strap, are designed to add resistance to your lower body when walking or running. Many people find that using ankle weights helps them to build strength and endurance in the lower body, which can help improve overall fitness. Additionally, ankle weights can help to tone and define the leg muscles. Ultimately, the use of ankle weights can be an effective way to increase the intensity of a workout while avoiding the strain that comes with carrying a heavy backpack.

Weighted Vests

Weighted vests are a great alternative to putting weights in a backpack for those looking to add an extra challenge to their workouts. Weighted vests are designed to evenly distribute weight throughout the body and offer a more natural way to increase resistance without having to lug extra pounds around. The weight of the vests can be adjusted and can range from a few ounces up to several hundred pounds. Additionally, weighted vests are typically more comfortable than carrying around a backpack filled with heavy objects, making them the ideal choice for those looking to increase their workout intensity.

Safety Precautions When Using Weights

Knowing the proper safety precautions when using weights is essential in order to prevent injury and ensure a safe workout. Below are a few tips to consider when deciding if weights should be placed in backpacks.

Always Warm Up Before Exercise

When considering safety precautions when using weights, it is important to always start off with a proper warm-up before exercising. Warming up prepares your body for the upcoming physical activity, increases your heart rate, and loosens up your muscles and joints. This helps to prevent injury and reduce the risk of muscle or joint strain. Warming up can be as simple as some light stretching or a walk around the block. Additionally, including a few dynamic exercises such as bodyweight squats, arm circles, and shoulder rolls can help to further prepare your body for a more intense workout.

When using weights, it is especially important to warm up properly, as the added weight can increase the intensity of the activity. Warming up can help to prevent fatigue, reduce the risk of injury, and improve your overall performance. Taking the time to warm up and prepare your body is key to helping you safely reach your fitness goals.

Don’t Overload Your Backpack

It is important to take safety precautions when using weights in your backpack. One of the most important considerations to keep in mind is to not overload your backpack. Adding too much weight can cause strain on your back, shoulders, and neck, and can lead to serious injury or discomfort. It is best to start off with light weights and gradually increase the load as your body adjusts to the added weight. When possible, try to spread the weight evenly across both sides of the backpack to ensure even distribution of the load. Additionally, make sure to adjust the straps properly to keep the weight close to your body and off of your back. If you experience any pain or difficulty carrying your backpack, stop and adjust the load accordingly.

Stop Exercise if Pain Occurs

When it comes to safely using weights in your backpack, one of the most important safety precautions to take is to stop exercising immediately if any pain occurs. When engaging in physical activity that involves carrying extra weight, it is important to listen to your body and be aware of any signs of distress. If you experience any type of pain, discomfort, or unusual sensations while exercising, it is best to stop immediately, as continuing to exercise can lead to further injury. Additionally, if pain persists or worsens, it is important to seek medical advice to determine the cause and address any potential concerns.

Final Thoughts

When it comes to the decision of whether or not to put weights in your backpack, it ultimately comes down to personal preference. Weights can provide a great way to increase the intensity of your workout and challenge your body in different ways. However, if you don’t feel comfortable with the idea of added weight, then it may be best to avoid using them. It’s important to listen to your body and find what works best for you.

Ultimately, adding weights to your backpack can be a great way to up your workout game and challenge yourself in new ways. But if it doesn’t feel right to you, then it’s best to leave the weights out of your backpack. Find what works best for you, and you’ll be well on your way to seeing the results you want.


In conclusion, putting weights in your backpack can be beneficial for improving strength and endurance, as well as burning more calories. However, it is important to be mindful of the potential risks, such as injury and reduced mobility, and take proper precautions when using weights. It is also important to choose the appropriate weight and ensure proper fit and comfort for your backpack. If you are still not sure, there are alternatives to weights in a backpack, such as resistance bands and weighted vests. Ultimately, it is important to make a decision that is best for you.

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